Installation Instructions

Delete any Previous Version of the Addon

  • Remove any previous version of the addon from Blender.
    • Inside Blender go to Edit/Preferences/Add-ons, search for Import-Export: Photogrammetry Import Export Addon and click on Remove

    • See the troubleshooting page for more information.


  • Reopen Blender and follow the installation instructions below

Without removal of previous versions errors may appear during activation or Blender may not reflect the latest changes of the addon.

Download the Addon for Blender 2.80 (or newer)

Option 1: Download a Release Version of the Addon

Download the corresponding from the release page.

Option 2: Download the Latest Version of the Addon

For example, clone the addon with

git clone

(Alternatively, go to, click on clone or download, and download the archive by clicking on Download Zip. Extract the file, which creates a folder Blender-Addon-Photogrammetry-Importer.)

Finally, compress the folder photogrammetry_importer in Blender-Addon-Photogrammetry-Importer to a zip archive The final structure must look as follows: /
    photogrammetry_importer /

For convenience the repository contains a script ( for Linux, create_blender_addon_zip.bat for Windows) that creates the required file. Run the script without parameters (e.g. ./

Install the Addon

Install the addon by
  • Opening the preferences of Blender (Edit / Preferences ...)

  • Select Add-ons in the left toolbar

  • Click on Install... in the top toolbar

  • Navigate to the file, select it and click on Install Add-on

  • Scroll down to ACTIVATE the addon, i.e. check the bounding box left of Import-Export: Photogrammetry Import Export Addon (see image below)


Follow the instructions on the customize page, to adjust the default options of the addon.

Install Optional Dependencies

This addon uses Pillow to read the (missing) image sizes from disk - required by the MVE, the Open3D and the VisualSFM importer. Pillow is also used to compute the (missing) point colors for OpenMVG JSON files. Using Pillow instead of Blender’s image API significantly improves processing time. Furthermore, this addon uses Pyntcloud to import several point cloud formats such as .ply, .pcd, .las, .laz, .asc, .pts and .csv. For parsing .las and .laz files Laspy 2.0 (or newer), Lazrs and Pyntcloud 0.3 (or newer) is required.

Option 2: Installation using the command line

In case the installation using the GUI does not work, it is possible to install the dependencies with the command line.

If you haven’t installed pip for Blender already, download and copy the file to


For Linux run:

<Blender_Root>/<Version>/python/bin/python3.7m <Blender_Root>/<Version>/python/bin/
<Blender_Root>/<Version>/python/bin/pip install pillow
<Blender_Root>/<Version>/python/bin/pip install lazrs
<Blender_Root>/<Version>/python/bin/pip install laspy
<Blender_Root>/<Version>/python/bin/pip install pyntcloud

For Windows run:

<Blender_Root>/<Version>/python/bin/python.exe <Blender_Root>/<Version>/python/bin/
<Blender_Root>/<Version>/python/Scripts/pip.exe install pillow
<Blender_Root>/<Version>/python/Scripts/pip.exe install lazrs
<Blender_Root>/<Version>/python/Scripts/pip.exe install laspy
<Blender_Root>/<Version>/python/Scripts/pip.exe install pyntcloud

IMPORTANT: Use the full path to the python and the pip executable. Otherwise the system python installation or the system pip executable may be used.